Friday 29 September 2017

Infant gas distress; how to handle it.

Having a new baby comes with  both exciting and distressing challenges. Some challenges can make even an experienced  mum loose sleep. Top among the distressing challenges is infant gas which can cause distress for both the new mum and baby. Some babies do not show very obvious signs of infant gas distress and that can make a mum whose older children fell into that category as babies panic when she births one who is disturbed greatly by gas.

In our part of the world, there are so many traditional remedies many mums employ to relieve gas distress like massaging the baby's tummy with a towel dipped in warm water, giving the baby bitter cola water or some other herbal mixtures; methods which aren't backed by scientific research but by tales handed down from one mum to another. Some other mums go the orthodox way of giving their babies gripe water or similar products.

Infant gas is a natural occurrence in newborns as a result of their young and still-maturing intestines and digestive systems. While it may not obviously disturb some newborns, it can cause seemingly great distress in others which could drive some mothers into seeking and applying unorthodox and most times futile solutions to ease their babies' distress.
As a new mum, so long as your baby is thriving well, gaining weight and seems fine during periods when it isn't having gas distress then all you need do is take the following steps to reduce your baby's gas distress episodes.

(1)Ensure your baby  burps after each meal. Simply position your baby in a manner that helps to quickly expel the stomach gas contents. There are several methods But the most common is by lifting your baby to your chest, and placing its chin on your shoulder then you gently but firmly pat or rub your baby's back. This method quickens the gas expulsion process as it makes the gas float to the top of the stomach and get expelled fast. 

(2) Do not let your baby cry so much out of hunger before your feed him/her. Crying out of hunger makes a baby feed frantically when the food comes and could gulp so much air in the process. This may not be very realistic for busy mums to practice but you can try your best.

(3)Find and suspend consumption of the offending food(s). Certain foods a baby's mum consumes could cause increased gas troubles for her baby. The most commonly  reported culprits are foods containing cow's milk and diary products like yoghurt and cheese. The myth that milk, tea and yoghurt increases breast milk supply does little or nothing to help this issue at all. As one pediatrician would say in cases of infant gas pain, "search for coincidences". Whenever your baby appears to have a lot of gas pain, evaluate the foods you consumed within the past 24 to 48 hours and check if they are same with those consumed before previous episodes of increased gas distress. You could decide to go a day or two without the suspect foods and check for any improvement. Whenever you are convinced a particular food is the culprit then suspend it from your diet and gradually introduce it back  around when your baby is 3 months old; when its digestive system should have significantly matured to handle such foods. The commonly reported suspects in gas pain include milk and other diary products, beans and cabbage. Someone may question how milk consumed by the mother could cause gas in her baby while the baby's food is basically milk alone.  The proteins and sugars in breast milk are easily digestible by the baby's system unlike those in cow's milk and other diary products. 

While you try your best to relieve your baby of its gas distress bear in mind that it is a natural occurrence which studies suggest babies get relief from at around 3 months of age, but if you ever get exceedingly worried and concerned, you can never go wrong by taking your child to a pediatrician. 

Wednesday 27 September 2017

The rantings of a Nigerian mum

The human mind is complex.  Everyone's ability to grasp seemingly simple issues also differ. The poor health indices in many parts of Africa stems not only from the poor health systems but also from the inability of  a large number of its inhabitants to adhere to evidence -based health recommendations.What else would explain that the Nigerian government banned female genital mutilation and no licensed health practitioner will perform it but some parents still go to quacks to perform it? What explains why parents will be told what to use on a baby's umbilical cord stump and they go ahead and use things that could expose the baby to harm? Or what could explain that a cereal manufacturer clearly writes on his product's package that it is not an infant cereal yet some parents argue and ignore the instructions; ignoring the fact that the manufacturer knows what his product contains and why it is not suitable for certain persons. In all such cases the excuses are same as or similar to  " I've been doing this for years and everything is fine", "my child has been eating this and is very healthy ".
Image result for motherhood
Medical and health research use a lot of statistics and percentages; and before the continued use of a practice or product or product is recommended, the involved health bodies must have studied the problem and known the adverse reactions involved and the statistics of occurrence. So if they say use product a, the safety margin is high or if they discourage a practice or product, the consequence is relatively high. That does not always mean that everyone who fails to heed to the recommendation will be affected,  it means that there is a good chance they will  be affected.

Now if a manufacturer said his product isn't for a certain age group, it doesn't mean anyone within the said age group that uses it will have an adverse effect, it simply means that the chances are high and that you do so at your own risk.

Effects of a product could range from nothing at all to acute or chronic effects. the product may not have an effect on someone, it may also have an effect but not clearly visible at the time and may elicit a chain of reactions with long term effects, it could also have an immediate effect.While most cases like these are arguably a direct or indirect effect of the failure of our health system and regulatory agencies, we as sensible humans need to learn to obey instructions especially when it comes from the sources who know better. Like the manufacturer of a product who knows what his product contains, or health agencies like the World Health Organization (WHO) who give recommendations based on evidence-based research, or your licensed health practitioner who possibly knows better. .

Saturday 16 September 2017

Caring for a newborn's umbilical cord stump

It is not unusual in Nigeria to learn of different unorthodox and potentially risky ways of caring for the umbilical cord stump in newborns. One often hears of and sees cases where toothpaste, powder, cow dung, peppery soup and so on are used (some newborn babies really suffer) all in a bid to get the stump to fall off fast. Using these items has the potential of exposing your newborn to infections. And infection of the umbilical stump can be fatal. Why give that chance if it can be avoided?

Caring for your newborn's umbilical stump need not be a hectic process, in fact when handled well, it is a simple and straightforward process. Written below are the only things you need to do to care for the stump and watch it fall without any problems to your newborn and stress on your part.

  1. The World Health Organization  (WHO) recommends dry cord care; as in applying absolutely nothing on the stump but ensuring the area is kept dry at all times.   In regions of the world with high neonatal mortality rates (which Nigeria may be included), the WHO recommends   the use of chlorhexidine on the areas around the cord stump. Chlorhexidine can be bought over-the-counter in drug stores. Most times, just ensuring the site is kept clean and dry is care enough. Some pediatricians recommend the use of methylated spirit on the stump while others believe it makes the cord stay longer before falling off. Either chlorhexidine or methylated spirit can be  used to clean the areas of the skin surrounding the stump to kill any microbes that could be in close proximity. Getting your doctor or midwife's opinion could be the safest option. Keep your baby's diaper away from the umbilical stump, it is advisable you place the diaper below the belly button and ensure you change dirty diapers promptly to prevent leakage of urine or stool towards the stump which could infect it. 
  2. Do not be in a hurry to make the stump fall. Some babies have theirs on well past 10 days. Avoid quick-fix procedures. No adult walks around with an umbilical cord   which means your newborn's own must eventually fall off. Some of those quick fix procedures can expose your baby to Omphalitis which can be fatal.
  3. When the cord falls off, care is still needed to prevent infection. There is a common practice in some parts of Nigeria to dab hot water on the navel at this stage, propagating a   myth that dabbing the navel with hot water reduces infant gas. This is a very risky and completely unnecessary procedure. It has been known to expose some newborns to life-threatening infections. Simply bath your baby as normal and ensure the area is kept clean. At this stage of your baby's life, it's immune system is fragile so you should not allow everyone  handle your baby especially when naked. It's advised you ensure people wash their hands before handling your baby. No matter how they may perceive it, it's your baby and your primary duty is to protect him/her.
  4. If at any point the stump starts to smell bad, bleed, or the area looks reddish and your newborn is in pain, waste no time in taking your newborn to the hospital as that could be an infection of the cord stump which can be fatal. 

Monday 11 September 2017

Things to do before travelling with a baby aged 6 to 12 months old

Travelling with babies can be stressful, the stress is more when the baby has started to explore its surroundings and has a mind of its own. This post targets babies between  6 months to 1 year old; the age when babies get wriggly, start to crawl, reach out for items and cry when they are not allowed to have their way. Babies within this age range also have nutritional needs  beyond just breast milk and formula.The fact that these babies have started exploring and having minds of their own as well as their more increased nutritional needs make traveling with this age group a bit more complicated than with those belonging to the 0 to 6 months age group.

When planning a long-distance trip that involves air travel with babies this young , you may need to take the following steps.

  1.  Consult your baby's pediatrician or your family doctor. Just like in all such travels, a very important step is to get medical advice and screening for your baby. There may also be need for some vaccinations depending on your destination. Your baby's medical practitioner will determine the baby's medical needs based on your destination and would offer you the needed advice. You need to know what you and your baby could be exposed to by visiting a particular region of the world.
  2.  Inform the airline of your child's age. Most airlines classify every child below 2 years of age into a group allowed to be carried on the lap of an adult during air travel . You may need to inform them of the specific age of your child so they make certain provisions for you. Most babies within the 6 to 12 months age group are too big to fit into most airlines' bassinet. You may need to inquire about the availability of, or possibility of carrying a portable travel cot. Informing them could also make them assign to you seats around unoccupied ones thereby allowing you a little extra room.  You could also make inquiries about car seats suitable for aircrafts if you desire to invest in one. If possible, choose flight times that coincide with your baby's sleeping hours, it would make things a lot easier for you as the child would likely be asleep most of the journey. Inquire about availability of baby strollers in the airport or aircraft. A stroller will make life much easier for you during boarding, transfer times and disembarking. Some airlines offer baby strollers at the airports but collect them back before boarding. Strollers aren't common in Nigeria but if you have one you are usually allowed to check in with it, submit to the air flight attendant upon boarding the aircraft, and collect back just before disembarking. Travelling with a stroller for a child this young can do you a world of good; it saves you the stress of carrying a baby on your arm during checking in, transfer times and when your trip is finally over and you need to leave the airport. 
  3.  Feeding: This can be more challenging when compared to feeding their younger counterparts. Depending on how long your flight and transfer time will be in total, you may need to take your baby's cereals, milk and whatever your child will need to eat within the travel period. You may not need to carry the entire tin of food (for foods that come in tins), you could simply scoop out smaller portions into smaller containers, or better still buy travel-size sachets for cereals that have such sizes. It is not always advisable to give your baby food offered in the aircraft especially if it is something the baby has never eaten; you just never can tell what the baby's reaction would be. You do not want a food-induced medical emergency  tens of thousands of feets above sea level. It is safer to give the baby foods it is used to. Travel times are not the best of times for babies to try out new foods. Remember to carry extra supplies of baby plates and cutlery to reduce the need for washing up after each feed. You need to also plan what water your baby will drink. Parents with babies are allowed certain concessions so you may be able to carry a small water bottle or flask containing your baby's water if you don't trust the one offered by the airline . If you need your baby's food warmed at any point, feel free to request that from the air flight attendants on board.
  4.  Your baby will be entitled to luggage allowance just like adults, use the allowance efficiently; carry extra cloths, diapers and everything your child will need including portable toys. Take a little more than what you estimate you will need. It is safer to have more cloths or diapers than needed than to run out of them while still on transit.
  5. Carry an age-appropriate toy in your hand luggage especially one your baby loves. If your travel involves long transfer times at airports or lengthy flying times, you and your baby will need the distraction toys can afford.
  6.  Very importantly, you will need an extra dose of confidence and thick skin. Babies this age can get fussy and throw tantrums while on board an aircraft for various reasons that could range from boredom, being in close quarters with so many adults or the strange feeling being suspended on air can bring. You may not be lucky enough to seat near an understanding co-traveler so you may need to learn how to ignore snide remarks and be unapologetic about travelling with a baby. You should not apologize for your baby's behavior, the best you can do is reduce whatever can trigger tantrums but sometimes no matter what you do in such situations, your baby will throw a huge tantrum while on board an aircraft.

You may need to read tips from the write-up dedicated to babies between 0-6 months of age  as some of their needs similar.

We hope you and your baby have a pleasant and safe trip.

Tuesday 5 September 2017

Things you need to do before travelling with a newborn baby

Mothers do not always get the luxury of always being at home  with their newborn babies despite the maternity leave laws . Sometimes, it becomes necessary that the new mum embarks on a trip and by this we mean long trips that entails sitting in a car or an airplane for hours. With birth tourism in the USA being fashionable among well-to-do Nigerian parents,  it is not unusual to see a mum returning home with a baby who is barely a month old.

Travelling with  newborn babies is really not encouraged as it increases the newborn's exposure to potentially harmful disease-causing organisms which the baby's fragile immune system may not yet be equipped to fight, but  when the travel is inevitable then certain steps need to be taken to not only protect the baby but to also ensure its's comfort and that of the mother. 

This write-up focuses on babies between the age of 0 to 6 months who are believed to be fed only milk. It also focuses mainly on air travel. Travelling with an exclusively breastfed baby is relatively easier compared to one on mixed feeding or formula. 
Below are steps you should consider taking when planning and embarking on a trip with a newborn baby. 

  1.  Consult a pediatrician or at least your family doctor. This is a highly recommended step to take. The physician would look at your baby and the disease profile of the region you are visiting and then give you recommendations on what to steps to take to protect the health of your newborn. If necessary he/she would recommend particular vaccinations for your child. Certain parts of the world are renowned for certain diseases, it is safer you know what you and your baby are up against before embarking on any journey.
  2.  Inform the airline or whatever means you are using to travel about your baby. When booking air tickets, children below 2 years of age are grouped together; you may need to inform them of the specific age of your baby and  request a bassinet, or inquire if you can carry a bassinet of your own. If you are going to use the airline's bassinet there will be need for you to take along bed sheets of your own. You wouldn't want to expose your newborn's skin to publicly used sheets or bassinet surfaces no matter how clean they look. Also inquire about the requirements needed; some airlines require you to provide some kind of proof of being the parent of the baby and a written consent from the other parent if available.
  3.  Feeding.  as mentioned earlier, if your baby is exclusively breastfed things become a tad easier as you would definitely be taking your breasts along with you to feed the baby. But if your baby is fed on formula or any other food, you will need extra preparation. Airlines give certain concessions to mothers with babies therefore you should be able to take your formula or whatever food your baby takes. Due to the often bad stories one reads about airline water, you may need to carry a water flask; a small flask of about 500ml filled with hot water. But almost all airlines serve their passengers bottled water so you could request the water be boiled or warmed for your baby's meals as you desire. In which case you have to ensure you have packed in your add-on luggage your baby's food, water, plates and spoons. You may need to take at least two plates or spoons to ease off the need to wash up after each feed. But if You can't, the air hosts/hostesses can be of help to you.
A very portable 500ml flask that can keep baby food or water hot for several hours
The flask above usually comes in small bags like this that eases carriage
4.  You need more than enough supplies of cloths and diapers. Good enough, all international airlines give luggage allowance to babies just as they give adult travellers, so you could put your baby's luggage allowance to full use. Use the number of hours you are to be on air as well as the waiting time at transit airports to estimate how many cloths and diapers your baby needs. You should add extras to whatever you have estimated as you never can tell. It is better to take a little more than needed than be stranded midway without cloth or diaper.

5. Buy disposable changing mats. Depending on how many hours your journey will last, you may need to change you baby's diaper and/or cloths at intervals and would at some point need to use a public space for that. I do not recommend the use of the changing tables located in airline toilets for health and hygiene reasons, but you could find yourself left with no other option so you just take a changing mat, place it on the surface, change your baby's cloth or diapers , and discard the used mat. Discarding each mat upon usage and taking a new one for each change is recommended as the used one is already in contact with the public space. Your aim is to protect your baby's delicate health and skin as much as you can. You would be amazed with the kind of germs one can pick up from such changing rooms.
Image result for disposable diaper mats
disposable changing mats

6.  Upon boarding, request the help of a host/hostess in settling down. You should be given a seat belt extension and shown how to fasten both you and your child unto the seat. 

7. Get appropriate clothing for your baby. You need to find detailed information about the prevailing weather condition at your destination to know exactly what cloths to put in your hand luggage in readiness. There could be a sharp contrast between the weather condition of where you are coming from and your destination so you need to get weather-suitable cloths for your baby and you. There is need to carry such cloths in your carry-on luggage as you and your baby may need to wear them before disembarking from the aircraft.

8.  Travel light. This needs to be emphasized upon especially if it is just you and the baby with no other adult on the trip. You don't need the extra stress of waiting to carry  other luggage at either check in or check out. Traveling light will do you a lot of good unless you have people to help you at both ends of your journey, that is someone to check in your luggage before departure and someone to help pick them up upon arrival.

9. Take advantage of every concession allowed parents with children. Airlines usually give priority to parents with children during boarding, if it isn't so obvious, request for it. You are not supposed to queue up alongside others during boarding. Most airlines allow parents with children board alongside their first class and business class passengers.. Determine whatever concession you are allowed and take advantage of it/them.

We do hope you and your little one have a safe and pleasant trip

Wednesday 19 July 2017

Cloth nappies (napkins) versus disposable diapers

About one decade or more ago , the most common sight in homes with babies and toddlers was white cloth nappies hung out to dry in the sun after washing. The same cannot be said today. In fact what now seems to be common is used, disposable baby diapers littered in areas they constitute eye sores. In the Nigerian market today are various brands and qualities of disposable diapers which often leave new parents at loss of which to choose. Several factors such as cost, availability and a baby's sensitivity to a particular product help parents make the final decision on which brand to settle for. 
This article focuses not on disposable diapers alone but on disposable diapers and reusable ones commonly called 'Cloth nappies' or 'Napkins'. 

The current economic situation in the country has made the cost of every item in the market to almost triple, cost of diapers inclusive. This makes many mothers who hitherto never looked the way of cloth nappies to reconsider their stance. This article that addresses disposable diapers versus cloth nappies in the Nigerian context is therefore very timely and hopefully will help some mothers make informed decisions on which to settle for.

Cloth nappies or what is popularly called "napkin" is a reusable form of diaper which like all diapers when used right can prevent the leakage of urine and or feces unto cloths. Unlike disposable diapers, cloth nappies are meant to be washed and reused. They are usually made of 100% cotton or whatever combination of cotton and other materials  that produces absorbent materials. They come in different forms, shapes and sizes with the most common form being the square-shaped, white cotton materials which are folded and tied onto a baby's bum backed up by what is commonly referred to as 'napkin pant'. There are also other fancy reusable diapers which come in the shape of disposable diapers. They are usually relatively more expensive than the square-shaped ones and also easier to use. 

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Square-shaped cloth nappies
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Disposable diaper-shaped cloth nappies. 

Image result for cloth nappies nigeria
Cloth diapers hung out to dry under the sun
Pros of  cloth nappies.
1. They are relatively cheap compared to disposable diapers. The cost of a large packet/carton of many disposable diaper brands can comfortably buy several packs of cloth nappies in Nigeria and unlike disposable diapers you just need to buy a dozen or more for a baby and you are done. All you then need to do is wash, dry and reuse. Considering the fact that you can use the same nappies for baby after baby makes cloth nappies one of the cheapest and most affordable baby care products in the market.

2. They are environmentally friendly. Considering the Nigerian environment and our very poor refuse disposal system, cloth nappies are the best option. All you need to do is rinse off the urine or poo as the case may be, pour the soiled water into your toilet (which it is assumed every home has at least one) and then proceed to wash the nappies with detergent or soap. Waste disposal is so convenient with cloth nappies.

3. They are reusable. Just like pointed out in 1 above, Mums can use same set of nappies for child after child, replacing only when there is a torn one or when there is need to increase the number available.

4. Cloth nappies are usually made of cotton and therefore highly hypoallergenic; that is they do not contain materials your baby could be allergic to as compared to disposable diapers which usually contain more synthetic materials than one can imagine and therefore increases the possibility of eliciting allergic reactions from babies' skins.

Cons of cloth nappies

(1) Using cloth nappies mean you get to handle a lot of baby poo which I believe few mums love (mums love everything about their babies but they often pass poos that question the "everything" part of the statement). But then you also get to handle poo when using wipes to clean their bums whether you use disposable diapers or not. Whatever type you use, you get to handle poo but to varying extents. Using Cloth nappies often mean you get your two hands deep into poo water. Gross right?

(2) If you are not careful, your baby will get rashes. This aspect is easily handled by applying a generous coat of petroleum jelly (Vaseline) on your baby's bum before wearing the nappies. This ensures that urine and feces do not get to cling on your baby's skin as the jelly provides a barrier between the two and therefore ensures your baby has a smooth, rash-free bum. This step is also needed for disposable diapers except for the few brands that come with inbuilt cream.

(3) Washing and drying cloth nappies can be such a chore especially during rainy seasons. Many mothers using cloth nappies complain of using up their stock of nappies while waiting for washed ones to dry during rainy seasons when sunshine is a luxury. This definitely does not apply for mums who have washing and drying machines as well as electricity supply when needed.

(4) Considering that most cloth nappies in Nigeria are white, you need to be a clean mum to be able to use them well. Discolored and dirty nappies are an eyesore to many.

Disposable diapers on the other hand have their own fair share of pros and cons. Apart from the huge convenience of using disposable diapers, many Nigerian mums see their usage as a status symbol and many mums who should rather have used the money for diapers to get something more essential for their babies are often shamed into buying disposable diapers. 

The commonly seen brands of disposable diapers in Nigeria include Pampers, Huggies, and Molfix. 

Image result for disposable diapers
Disposable diapers
Image result for disposable diapers
Stacks of disposable diapers

Pros of disposable diapers

(1) Convenience. This comes tops among the advantages. Disposable diapers are so convenient to use. It barely takes a minute to change from a soiled diaper to a fresh one as compared to most cloth nappies where you get to spread the nappy liner or pant, fold and spread the nappy itself and then get to tie it round your baby's bum. Disposable diaper makers have upped the ante by making diaper pants for that stage of life when babies get wriggly and therefore challenging to stay still for a diaper change. You just need to pull up the pants, check in between their legs and you are done.

(2) Minimal handling of baby's waste. With disposable diapers you get to handle or touch very little urine or poo. They make handling babies' waste very easy.

(3) Status symbol. This is hardly an advantage but considering the Nigerian culture and society, a mum seen carrying a baby on diapers, more so foreign made ones is viewed either as enlightened, wealthy or someone with good taste. 

(1) Cost. Disposable diapers are expensive to use, more so considering that each used one is discarded. When you get to calculate the amount of money a baby uses for diapers from birth to toilet-training, one can only scream at the cost.

(2) Waste disposal. We have a horrible waste disposal system here. Many owners of farmlands often complain of finding heaps of used diapers in their farmlands and these are not easily biodegradable. Diapers are said to rank second after waterproof bags in littering the Nigerian environment. Many mums have complained of not knowing how to dispose of used diapers from their home. 'Oyibo' that introduced diapers to Nigeria have an almost perfect waste disposal system where wastes are sorted into different containers based on their biodegradability. When we copy things, we are supposed to copy the entire package and not just a section especially when it leaves us worse off than when we started.

(3)Materials used. Disposable diapers are made with diverse synthetic materials which often raise safety concerns. Some of the materials are even rumored to be toxic and/or raise one's chances of getting certain types of cancers.

Basically whichever between cloth nappies and disposable diapers you decide to settle for should be based on informed choices and  which is affordable for you

Wednesday 12 July 2017

Iodine deficiency; what we need to know

Image result for salt iodization nigeria
Source: NAFDAC

Iodine is a micronutrient of public health importance. It is an essential component of the hormones produced by the thyroid gland which are essential for mammalian life and thus, Iodine is essential for a healthy, human life. Iodine deficiency leads to a range of disorders known as IDDs (Iodine deficiency disorders) which can affect persons of all ages, including those still in the womb.  It can lead to thyroid enlargement (known as a goiter), impair fetal brain development and can impose on a newborn infant a lifetime intellectual deficit.

Iodine is distributed in the earth’s environment in form of Iodide found mostly in seas and oceans. Iodide undergoes oxidation to form volatile, elemental Iodine which evaporates into the atmosphere and returns to the soil by rain in a process known as “Iodine cycle”. 
Image result for iodine cycle in nature
Iodine cycle. Source Fred Zucker, 2015
Human dietary sources of iodine  include seafoods, plants grown where soil contains iodine and the meat of animals whose forage grow in such soils. Breastfeeding babies get their supply of iodine from their mothers’ breasts as the mammary gland concentrates iodine and secretes it into breast milk to provide for the nursing infant.

Iodine deficiency according to the World Health Organization (WHO),  is “  is the world’s most prevalent, yet easily preventable, cause of brain damage”. It can affect a child’s mental health and/or survival; reduce a child’s intellectual capacity and can cause stillbirths in pregnant women. Serious Iodine deficiency in pregnancy can lead to congenital abnormalities such as cretinism; an irreversible form of mental retardation in the child. 
Kul Gautam, a Deputy Executive Director in UNICEF, in 2007 said   IDD is the single greatest cause of preventable mental retardation. Severe deficiencies cause cretinism, stillbirth and miscarriage. But even mild deficiency can significantly affect the learning ability of populations. Scientific evidence shows alarming effects of IDD. Even a moderate deficiency, especially in pregnant women and infants, lowers their intelligence by 10 to 15 IQ points, with incalculable damage to social and economic development of nations and communities….. The mark of a civilized society is how well it takes care of its most vulnerable and deprived communities. If we continue to fail to reach these newborns, we will be consigning them to an inter-generational cycle of poverty and injustice.

The various impacts of Iodine deficiency led to  several acts and regulations by NAFDAC (National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control), and SON (Standard Organization of Nigeria) on salt iodization in Nigeria.

 NAFDAC ACT 1993 (AS AMENDED) Food Grade (Table or Cooking) Salt Regulations 2005
 Stipulates that
·         Any salt used as an ingredient of food for direct use by consumers, food manufactures or as a carrier of food additive shall meet the standard requirement for food grade salt as set out in these regulations among others.
  • ·         Be fortified with iodine using sodium or potassium iodide or iodate at a residue level as specified by the Agency.
  • ·         the name “salt” shall have a prefix of “food grade” or “table”;
  • ·         Salt Iodization shall carry the logo of a green map of Nigeria with black edge and three human figures in white.

The SON standard defines properly iodized salt as  "containing above 50 ppm (parts per million) iodine at port of entry, above 30 ppm iodine at distributor and retail levels  and above  15 ppm iodine at household level" The SON standard also specifies the over-all quality parameters for food grade salt.

While we have little or no control over the iodine content of the seafood and other items we consume, we need to ensure we use only iodized salt in our cooking. It is advisable to buy edible iodized salt in smaller packages as those that come in very big bags are prone to exposure and therefore increases the chances that the iodine has been leached.

 Fred Zucker  (2015) BioLargo's Clean Water Technology Positioned To Save Maritime Operators Billions sourced on  7/10/2017 from

Pearce EN, Leung AM, Blount BC, et al. (2007). Breast milk iodine and perchlorate concentrations in lactating Boston-area women. Journal of  Cliinical and Endocrinoogical Metabolism 92: 1673–77